Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guess What Today Is?

Four years ago today is when Jim fell through the ceiling at church and we started that huge stressful time. Joel and I were just talking about it the other day and neither of us could talk about it without choking up. How blessed we are to still have Jim here! I seriously don't know what path our lives would have taken without him. I do know that God would have been with us no matter what. I'm just glad He chose to heal him.

The month before his fall we had given Jim a Father's Day present that said that we wanted him to fulfill a lifelong dream to skydive. He was pumped. The accident happened before that could take place. This year for Joel's graduation present it was decided that he and Jim would make the jump (moms...don't be mad at me!)

Last Friday was the day. There's a place not far from here that does tandem jumping so Jim scheduled the appointment and on the long awaited day we made the trip. Lots of people had the same idea that day so all total we were there about 4 hours. I was so mad at myself because I brought my camera, but left the memory card in my computer. I do have pictures, but they're on the camera and I can't get them off until Kayla comes home. She borrowed my cable for her camera. Anyway, both jumps were filmed by another jumper and Joel ended up buying the still shots too which is what I'll post a few of here.

I was totally shocked how soft the landings were. They sort of just softly touched down rather than my idea which would have been rolling head over heals until they came to a stop. After seeing lots of other jumpers land I felt better about the guys' jumps.

Now those of you that know Jim know that he has motion sickness when in enclosed spaces so the plane ride did him no favors. We totally didn't even think about him taking medication. He said the plane ride was miserable, the free fall awesome and then the parachute part really turned his already sick stomach. By the time he reached the ground he was as white as a sheet and his motion sickness really stuck with him the rest of the day...bummer for him. He says that next year when we give Kayla her jump for graduation that I'll be the one to have to take not so sure about that!

All in all it was a good day and now he can say he's checked one of those "always wanted to do things" off his list. We're just glad that he was able to be here to do it.

I'll leave you with some shots of Joel's jump which he said was awesome! Just think...some day we'll be doing that trip in reverse! What a ride that'll be!
Until the Next Grand Adventure,
Yvonne and Crew
p.s. We talked to Kayla last Sunday night and I'm afraid we've officially "lost" her to the mission field. She's already talking about how she can get back to Taiwan.


Anonymous said...

Thats so awesome! Joe and I have always wanted to do that! (even though I am deathly afraid of heights!). I'm so glad Kayla is doing great. We miss you guys! Any chance you will be here for a visit sometime?

Sharon in NE said...

I would LOVE to try that. Great pics!

stampmonkey said...

Whoa!! Those are two adventurous men you've got there...and you're really considering doing this too?? Guess you'd never be able to tell that I'd rather be on the ground than in the air. lol Glad the jumps went well, despite Jim's bout with motion sickness ( not fun!). Now I know why you chose what you did for your blog title! ;) Great pics of the occasion! tfs