I was going to write this up for the first entry and Joel's haircut just overruled it. If you're new to blogs then here's a quick tutorial :0)
- By subscribing (in the right hand column) you will receive an e-mail every time we have posted a new story to share. It's free. All you have to do is put your e-mail in the box and click "Keep it Fresh". Follow the instructions on the next page and you're done. By putting in your e-mail address you are not going to receive any unwanted advertising or extra junk mail.
- If you want to leave a comment or read the comments just click the word comments under the post. If it has say, "2 comments" there then you'll know that two people have left comments and you can leave one as well. The back button will get you back to the original page. We love reading your comments so don't hesitate to leave one.
- You can view any picture in a larger format by just clicking on it. By clicking the back button you'll be back to the blog page.
- There are links in the right hand column that you might want to follow to see other blogs or websites that we've listed...like my stamping blog :0)
That's about it. Have fun looking around.
We love you!
Jim, Yvonne and kids
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