When we went we were asked if we wanted to bid on the silent auction. We declined since our bid would be ridiculously low. The seller asked if we wanted to bid one cent so we could at least see what the house started at. So, we did. The bidding started at $99,900 which when we were thinking about it we decided to bid. We stayed in until $117,000. We were out or so we thought. Talk around the town was that the place went for a super low price so Jim called just to see. It was under contract for $133,000 but the gentleman buying it really didn't want it. The seller said he would let her out of her contract if she found someone that would give that amount. We thought about it. We came up with a negative answer since it would be very difficult to sell our house so quickly and during the holidays. Again, it was gone.
Then the man with the house under contract called and wondered if we might consider trading our house for that one. It seemed like an odd request, but we thought well, ours is only 1600 square feet and the house in question had three stories plus an attic...way much more space than we could have dreamed about. Jim called him back and as it turn out, he was just wheeling and dealing and trying to get out of his contract. He wanted us to just work something out with the seller. So again, it was gone.
You're still reading? Cool! Ok next the seller calls to see if we wanted to put the house under contract with a contingency on our house selling. She had another couple interested and also a business since the house is located downtown. They were all first in line so we had to wait to see their answer. She was going to call within 24 hours if it was still available. Yep, you guessed it. She didn't call so it was gone.
She called a week later to tell us that the others were just taking too much time. She wondered if we'd like to look at it again so yesterday we did. We took an elder from our church who has lots of knowledge about houses. We wanted to make sure it would be workable. Well, as it turns out the whole third floor did not have any outlets. We already knew that it would take some work to get the rooms on that floor workable, but with there being electrical problems it would run a bundle. So the house is gone.
I'm not sad and I'm at peace with it because throughout the entire process I kept praying that we would know what God would have us do. It would have been tons of fun to live in the place, but like our elder said, "There would always be something to fix."
So, if you've made it this far, here are some pictures I snapped of the place yesterday. We're leaving town tomorrow to see family for Thanksgiving. We pray that your day is full of things to be thankful for. We're thankful for our house this year :0)
Until the next Grand Adventure,
Yvonne, Jim and kids
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