Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Grand Adventure We Didn't Take
About a month ago there was a banner in front of one of the huge old houses in Webb City that said it would be auctioned off and there was to be an open house. Jim and I went for fun because we knew that house had been listed at around $250,000. It was just a cool house that was over 100 years old. It had a lot of Webb City history attached to it and well, we were just "Lookie Lou"s as Jim called it." <-----Can't figure out why this color is different. Sorry

The front. Ryan wasn't as fond of the lions as Angie was. This house is 3 stories up! It just goes on forever.
When we went we were asked if we wanted to bid on the silent auction. We declined since our bid would be ridiculously low. The seller asked if we wanted to bid one cent so we could at least see what the house started at. So, we did. The bidding started at $99,900 which when we were thinking about it we decided to bid. We stayed in until $117,000. We were out or so we thought. Talk around the town was that the place went for a super low price so Jim called just to see. It was under contract for $133,000 but the gentleman buying it really didn't want it. The seller said he would let her out of her contract if she found someone that would give that amount. We thought about it. We came up with a negative answer since it would be very difficult to sell our house so quickly and during the holidays. Again, it was gone.
Then the man with the house under contract called and wondered if we might consider trading our house for that one. It seemed like an odd request, but we thought well, ours is only 1600 square feet and the house in question had three stories plus an attic...way much more space than we could have dreamed about. Jim called him back and as it turn out, he was just wheeling and dealing and trying to get out of his contract. He wanted us to just work something out with the seller. So again, it was gone.
You're still reading? Cool! Ok next the seller calls to see if we wanted to put the house under contract with a contingency on our house selling. She had another couple interested and also a business since the house is located downtown. They were all first in line so we had to wait to see their answer. She was going to call within 24 hours if it was still available. Yep, you guessed it. She didn't call so it was gone.
She called a week later to tell us that the others were just taking too much time. She wondered if we'd like to look at it again so yesterday we did. We took an elder from our church who has lots of knowledge about houses. We wanted to make sure it would be workable. Well, as it turns out the whole third floor did not have any outlets. We already knew that it would take some work to get the rooms on that floor workable, but with there being electrical problems it would run a bundle. So the house is gone.
I'm not sad and I'm at peace with it because throughout the entire process I kept praying that we would know what God would have us do. It would have been tons of fun to live in the place, but like our elder said, "There would always be something to fix."
So, if you've made it this far, here are some pictures I snapped of the place yesterday. We're leaving town tomorrow to see family for Thanksgiving. We pray that your day is full of things to be thankful for. We're thankful for our house this year :0)
Until the next Grand Adventure,
Yvonne, Jim and kids
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Soccer Awards Banquet
Tonight was Joel's soccer awards banquet. He played all four years in High School and actually started on a city league in Junior High. He was privileged to be coached all through those years by a very godly man, Kevin Greer (who happens to be his best friend's dad). Coach recalled for the group when he first recruited Joel to play and sent him out to play on the left side (yes, I'm a soccer mom who doesn't get the game so I don't know what position it actually was HA HA). I'm not sure if he was joking when he said that Joel went out onto the field making the hand gestures that help you remember your left from your right.
He's come a long way since those days. Joel has always played defense and has a good hustle. He was on the varsity team this year and was a good sport about not getting to play as much as a lot of the other guys. As coach said, "He's the best wrestler on the team!" Coach also commented that Joel was always within the top 5 coming back in when he's sent them on an endurance run. We're very proud of his accomplishments. It was a fun evening.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
A Quick Blog Tutorial
Hi Family and Friends,
I was going to write this up for the first entry and Joel's haircut just overruled it. If you're new to blogs then here's a quick tutorial :0)
- By subscribing (in the right hand column) you will receive an e-mail every time we have posted a new story to share. It's free. All you have to do is put your e-mail in the box and click "Keep it Fresh". Follow the instructions on the next page and you're done. By putting in your e-mail address you are not going to receive any unwanted advertising or extra junk mail.
- If you want to leave a comment or read the comments just click the word comments under the post. If it has say, "2 comments" there then you'll know that two people have left comments and you can leave one as well. The back button will get you back to the original page. We love reading your comments so don't hesitate to leave one.
- You can view any picture in a larger format by just clicking on it. By clicking the back button you'll be back to the blog page.
- There are links in the right hand column that you might want to follow to see other blogs or websites that we've my stamping blog :0)
That's about it. Have fun looking around.
We love you!
Jim, Yvonne and kids
Friday, November 9, 2007
Angie's Fall Carnival
Tonight was the culmination of what Angie has been waiting for and talking about and singing about for many days, even weeks...the school carnival. It's an evening of chili dogs, wall to wall people and carnival games. We've been hearing snippets of songs for a long time, but not really knowing what they were until tonight. We kept wondering how she knew the phrase, "They're playing my song." and now we know. The kids did a cute Broadway themed program.
Angie's teacher told me that the week before this event is almost as bad as say, Halloween or Christmas with the excitement which causes the kids to have a harder time in class. I received this e-mail from Mrs. Erdman today which made me very proud. "Angie had a great day! Considering all the Fall Festival excitement, I was so impressed with her behavior. Mrs. Erdman" Yeah! She's making tons of progress.
Speaking of progress...she is our little speller. She loves to know how to spell lots of words and is constantly asking us to spell for her. She can spell Wickenkamp out loud and write it too (with a very long piece of paper of course!)
Kayla helped at the fishing pond.
Angie won the cake walk...a moon pie!
She almost pinned the bow on the teacher!
This is Mrs. Erdman, her teacher.
Looking for mom and dad.
Angie's teacher told me that the week before this event is almost as bad as say, Halloween or Christmas with the excitement which causes the kids to have a harder time in class. I received this e-mail from Mrs. Erdman today which made me very proud. "Angie had a great day! Considering all the Fall Festival excitement, I was so impressed with her behavior. Mrs. Erdman" Yeah! She's making tons of progress.
Speaking of progress...she is our little speller. She loves to know how to spell lots of words and is constantly asking us to spell for her. She can spell Wickenkamp out loud and write it too (with a very long piece of paper of course!)
Here are some photos from our evening.
Getting a cardinal tattoo (which was promptly picked off.)
Until the next Grand Adventure,
Jim, Yvonne and kids
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Having a Bad Hair Day
Joel's hair is very thick and wirey and somewhat unruly. Kayla begins with scissors and then trims up his neck with Jim's beard trimmer. THIS time though, she cut some off of the top but it was still kind of long. Then she started on the back. She cut first with the scissors and then she decided to grab the beard trimmer and kind of...well, we're not sure.
She kind of sporadically chopped at it. Now the chopped look is somewhat in style so it wasn't too bad at this point. The beard trimmer was giving her problems by clogging up (see reference to thick wirey hair). So she solved that problem by taking the guard off. Well when she started in again it just took him to the scalp in a spot. Hmmm. that didn't work. She thought she'd better make it even on the other side so proceded to create another bald spot. (now I know somewhere in here my parents will insert a "I remember a time when you did a similar thing to yourself" That's another story for maybe another time.) Back to the THIS story. Somewhere in the process the back hairline was extended up almost even with the bottom of his ears.
Did I mention that all of this is going on around 10:30 at night when there's no one to call for help? Jim and I needed to go to Wal-Mart for our weekly get out of the house date so while we were there I picked up a hair cutting kit for about the price of a haircut. Kayla was tired and went to bed so I proceeded to take a whack. I took the top and sides down to a half inch, but I was too scared to touch the back. It was Jim's turn. You have to know that through this entire thing we were all laughing so hard (even Joel).
Now Joel is a good sport through this entire process. He even took pictures for you. When he retold the story at school (which with one look at him you knew there was a story there somewhere), he protected his sister and didn't make her look bad in front of his friends. I know because they told me.
Here are some pictures. The one with all the hair was taken a while ago, but it'll give you some idea of what he started with.
We're hoping for a little growth before we do senior pictures!

'Till the next Grand Adventure,
Jim, Yvonne and kids
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